Christine Handte on Wed, 2 Apr 2003 22:16:25 +0200 (CEST)

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[rohrpost] Do 10.April 20h - Berlin - John Allen "Biosphere"

"The Ethnosphere & Comprehensive Biospheric Design"
John Allen   (Biosphere Foundation)

Zeit: Do 10. April um 20 Uhr
Ort:  Berlin Mitte,
      Bootlab, "Raum 3"
      Ziegelstraße 20

Vortrag, z.T. mit Lichtbildern in Englischer Sprache,
ca. 60 - 90 Minuten

Eintritt 5 Euro

Reservierung empfohlen
bei Christine Handte,
Tel. 0163-254.87.12
oder E-mail:

Biographie von John Allen bei und


John Allen is the inventor, conceiver, and
co-founder of the Biosphere 2 project and former
Executive Chairman and Vice-president of Biospheric
Development for Space Biospheres Ventures.

Mission One of Biosphere 2 set a number of world
records in closed life system work including among
others sealing tightness, 100% waste recycle and
water recycle, and time of residence of humans.

He is currently the co-founder and Chairman of Global
Ecotechnics Corporation, a private research and development
firm designing and preparing to build advanced materially
closed biospheric systems and ecologically enriched
biomic systems.  In addition, Global Ecotechnics owns
and manages four ecological research systems in
France, Australia, Puerto Rico, and England.

Allen donates his time as Chairman of Planetary Coral
Reef Foundation, a non-profit corporation devoted to
studying the health and vitality of coral reefs, both in
its base site in the Yucatan and with the Heraclitus,
a research ship now in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asian
seas. He is a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London.

At Space Biospheres Venture, Mr. Allen designed and was
the first person to operate the Biosphere Test Module
experiment in September, 1988, residing in the almost
fully recyclable closed ecological system environment
for three days, setting a world record at that time.

As the Vice-president of Biospheric Development at SBV,
Allen was responsible for overseeing all of its research,
development, and engineering of materially closed,
energetically and informational open life systems,
and development of spin-off technologies such as
Wastewater Gardens, some sixty of which are now
operating in Bali and Mexico.

In the early sixties, he worked on regional development
projects with David Lillienthal's Development Resources
Corporation in the U.S., Iran, and Ivory Coast,
and before that headed a special metals team at
Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corporation which developed
over thirty alloys to product status.

He has led remote area expeditions studying ecology,
particularly the ecology of early civilizations,
to Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan,
Tibet, India, Belize, and the Altiplano, and
is a Fellow of the Royal Geograhic Society.

An accomplished speaker on Biospherics, Comprehensive
Sustainable Design, and Creative Futures, Allen has
spoken at a variety of international forums on the
emerging science of biospherics and the implications of
Biosphere 2 for health, environment, science, and culture;
and the role of artificial biospheres as models for sustainable
co-evolutionary design for the future on earth and in space.

Allen has over two dozen publications to his credit, over one-half
of them scientific, the rest poetry, drama, prose, and films.

Allen holds a degree in Metallurgical-Mining Engineering
with honors from the Colorado School of Mines, an MBA
from the Harvard Business School where he graduated with
distinction as a Baker Scholar, and an Engineering
Physiology Certificate from the University of Michigan.

Before engineering, he studied anthropology, classics, and
history at Northwestern, Stanford, and Oklahoma universities
and served in the U.S. Army's Engineering Corps.

For a complete listing of his books and scientific
papers, see John's CV  at

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