Jan-Hendrik Brueggemeier on Sun, 9 Feb 2003 13:30:06 +0100 (CET) |
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[rohrpost] borderzap live aus muenchen |
kurzer programmhinweis auf die letzten zwei tage der "BORDERZAP"-ausstellung des experimentellen radio der bauhaus universitaet weimar im icamp/neuen theater muenchen, entenbachstrasse 37. inclusive nachberichterstattung ueber n.a.t.o.- konferenz in muenchen, radioart und live-performances. links fuer den 24 h livestream (ogg vorbis & realvideo) sind zu finden unter: http://radiostudio.org -->klick auf borderzap-icon neben dem regulaeren programm moechten wir besonder auf folgende veranstaltungen hinweisen: SONNTAG, 9/FEB/2003 (alle zeitangaben in CET! check: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/) 17 - 19:00 : "streaps", highly interactive open-mixed streaming session, streaps is an online mixer engine, which one can access via webinterface to mix togehter with other particpants up to 6 ogg vorbis streams at once. url: http://radiostudio.org/streaps 19 - 20:00: "schneetreiben im fruehling" (live radioplay) by ben fouquet, henrik hentschel, fabina keuhlein & flrian woehrl. 20 - 22:00: "zapped borders", pingfm live audio/video noise-show, http://pingfm.org 22 - 23:00 live presentation of david moufangs, class "pop & underground" 23 - open end: party with move d aside others MONTAG, 10/FEB/2003: zwischen 18 - 20:00: trebor scholz and his students, nyc, regarding personal stories of border experiences zwischen 20 - 22:00: station r.o.s.e., frankfurt, http://stationrose.com, abstract STReam 22 - 24:00: "streaps", highly interactive open-mixed streaming session, with participation AudioLab Villa Arson Nice, http://audiolab.villa-arson.org/, http://radiostudio.org/streaps, 0 - 1:00 oima, live sound perfromance, south devon, u.k., http://oima.de finito & out -------------english presswork: >The experimental radio of the bauhaus university "studio b11" is >organizing an international webcast lounge and exibition called "border >zap" with the subject of border relations. It cooperates with the >i-camp/Neues Theater and is supported by the Kulturreferat of the LH >munich. > >"border zap" is an answer of the experience we have made with borders in >general. >Therefore "border zap" is a moving around, a crossing and exceeding, a >take on and reject and an experience with real and imaginary borders of >our every day life > >The works show a wide spectrum of different articultions and deal with >political, abstract, stereophone and theoretical aspects of borders and >their outllook > >Besides the permanent exhibition there will be a permanent live stream >to the internet with international contributions from new york, nice, >ljubljana and vienna. > >At the same time the NATO is organizing a conference for corporate safty >policy in munich. One of the topics of this conference will be the >globalization and virtual borders. So this event will also have an >influence of the content and character of the programm. > >The visitors and listeners have the possibility to make their own >borderexperiences via radioplays, radiostreaming, installations and >video productions _________________________________ ///http://pingfm.org///live/audio /video///every/sunday/20til22:00/ CET//GMT+1/////////////////////// ------------------------------------------------------- rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost http://post.openoffice.de/pipermail/rohrpost/ Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.openoffice.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/