Cornelia Sollfrank on 20 Mar 2001 20:46:19 -0000

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Welcome, and information on the <oldboys>-list

Welcome to the mailing list of Old Boys Network, <oldboys-list>!

Please save this message for future reference.  Thank you.

TECHNICAL INFORMATION: (as regards content, information below)

This is the ezmlm program, managing the mailing list. It will speak in the first person further on...

I can handle administrative requests automatically. Please do not send them to the list address! Instead, send your message to the correct command address:

To subscribe to the list, send a message to:

To remove your address from the list, send a message to:

Send mail to the following for info and FAQ for this list:

To get messages 123 through 145 (a maximum of 100 per request), mail:

To get an index with subject and author for messages 123-456 , mail:

They are always returned as sets of 100, max 2000 per request,
so you'll actually get 100-499.

To receive all messages with the same subject as message 12345,
send an empty message to:

The messages do not really need to be empty, but I will ignore
their content. Only the ADDRESS you send to is important.

You can start a subscription for an alternate address,
for example "john@host.domain", just add a hyphen and your
address (with '=' instead of '@') after the command word:

To stop subscription for this address, mail:

In both cases, I'll send a confirmation message to that address. When you receive it, simply reply to it to complete your subscription.

If despite following these instructions, you do not get the
desired results, please contact my owner at 
Please be patient, my owners are a lot slower than I am ;-)


<oldboys-list> is an international discussion mailing list owned by the Old Boys Network.

OBN is regarded as the first international Cyberfeminist alliance and has been founded in 1997 in Berlin. Under the umbrella of the term 'Cyberfeminism' OBN contributes to the critical discourse on new media, especially gender-specific aspects. 
OBN is dedicated to appropriating, creating and disseminating Cyberfeminisms (plural). OBN creates real and virtual spaces where Cyberfeminists can research, experiment, communicate and act. The OBN platforms aim to provide a contextualized presence for the diverse and interdisciplinary approaches to Cyberfeminism. One of these platforms is <oldboys list>.

One of the basic rules of OBN is that every member is required to call herself a woman (without consideration of the biological base of this intelligent life-form). With regard to its contents - the elaboration of Cyberfeminisms - our aim is the principle of disagreement!

Additional to our communication in virtual space OBN regularly organizes real space meetings.
- First conference: 'first Cyberfeminist International', documenta x, Kassel, 1997, hybrid workspace;
- Second conference: 'next Cyberfeminist International', 1999, Rotterdam, de Balie (in cooperation with 'next5mintues, festival for tactical media, Amsterdam).
- Third conference: ’very Cyberfeminist International', 2001, Hamburg, is currently in preparation.

All conferences are documented in printed readers. No.1 and no.2 are sold out already. The content will be available on our new website, soon! 

Currently (2001) the book ’Cyberfeminism - next protocols' is in production in collaboration with the Publishing House Autonomedia, New York. 

In 2000 OBN presented itself in the 15 minutes long video ’processing Cyberfeminism'.

Since OBN has come into being it's personnel as well as the organisatorial structure have been in a constant flow. 

If you want to learn more about the regulating structure of OBN, and you are interested in finding out what is special about this transitory network, please visit our website (currently being redesigned by Slowenian artist Irena Woelle).

<oldboys-list> can stay unmoderated as long as all subscribers feel responsible for the list, share it's policy and the general netiquette.

* text-format:
plain ascii, no MIME-attachements, maximum size: 40.000 bytes (please split bigger texts); 

* visuals:
basically visuals are welcome to be distributed, but not automatically via the list; pls. announce your visuals and send them at request to individual addresses.

* all postings are automatically forwarded to the searchable <oldboys-list> web-archive. This archive is only accessable by subscribed members of the list who have the password. (further instructions soon)

* copyright policy:
forwarding of public announcements via e-mail is allowed if the footer is included; all other forwarding has to be checked with the authors. for republishing on a web or ftp site, contact with the authors is obligatory. The same regulation is valid when republishing in paper media, or if money changes hands.

* <oldboys-list> is a way to form a large network of active cyberfeminists. Please feel free to invite new subscribers or to suggest them by simply sending a mail to the list-owner.

* questions, comments, criticism are welcome!
please direct them to <>

Old Boys Network, march 2001                      

::::::::::::::"A smart artist makes the machine do the work":::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::: generator:::::::

 Cornelia Sollfrank  |  Duncan of Jordanstone University |  Dundee |  Scotland 


/ distributed via <old boys list>: no commercial use without permission
/ <old boys list> is an unmoderated mailing list for global cyberfeminism
/ responsibility for form and content of any message distributed
via <oldboys-list> remains with the individual sender of the original message
/ to remove your address from the list, send a message to:
/ more info: or send mail to: and/or
/ archive:  contact:
