| f | | | | 3 on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 23:29:39 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] cenzura civilizata moderna de lux sanitar pe nettime-ro

> Tu |f|...3
> Nu ai un nume?
> Bine ca ai opinie si publici pe nettime dar nu trebuie sa-ti fie
> rusine... si sa te ascunzi.
> Eu cred ca asta e o prostie.

You probably wouldn't be asking this question as
I posted other material that carried my name but you'll have to ask  
the estimable and very wise Dana Catona who ate it.
In the interim here's a bridge:


You may have been under the impression that Nettime-ro was moderated.  
In fact what Catona did, as every other proto-communist,
is to automatically block certain persons and posts that she doesn't  
comprehend, in other words to filter reality into a somnolent,
sanitized and impersonal constant flow of official propaganda from  
the mindless salariati bots.

If Google (which is organized religion's principle competitor in the  
business of mapping reality) functioned as perjovschi and catona
and undoubtedly a few other estimable 3rd grade neo-comunists prefer,  
ie. sanctioned Reklame Non-stop Exclusively, ar fi o prostie.
Fortunately, Google is not as rigid and retrograde as nettime-ro's  
leaders who have yet to pull their minds from epoca de aur's  
centralized rear end,

whilst, naturally, advocating their simply superior democratic  
in accordance with the new and improved .eu scripture.

Complaints about Tariceanu government's corruption or cei de la usa  
cortului are risible
when nettime-ro's own backyard is impregnated with that very  
incintatoare corruption.


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arhiva: http://amsterdam.nettime.org/