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[Nettime-ro] \\ civilizatie - demo.craSSy style |
"Politologul Cristian Parvulescu si sociologul Sebastian Lazaroiu au salutat normalitatea evenimentului de sambata: o manifestatie a unor cetateni in numele diversitatii, o contramanifestatie a opozantilor, jandarmii care si-au facut datoria; ca in tarile civilizate" de la comunism la prostitutie - ASTA DA CIVILIZATIE!! Europe 'connived at CIA flights' CIA flights have landed in European countries, Mr Marty says A report into secret US flights for terror suspects is expected to conclude that 14 European countries colluded with the CIA. The document will be presented to the Council of Europe by Swiss MP Dick Marty after a seven-month inquiry. An advance copy seen by the BBC says there is also evidence to support suspicions that secret CIA camps are or were located in Poland and Romania. The two countries have strongly denied the allegation in the past. The BBC's Tim Franks in Paris - where the report will be issued on Wednesday - says the charges are potentially explosive but the difficulty remains in securing the proof. 'Alien approach' The report is quoted as saying: "It is now clear - although we are still far from having established the truth - that authorities in several European countries actively participated with the CIA in these unlawful activities." According to the advance copy, countries such as Spain, Turkey, Britain, Germany and Cyprus provided "staging posts" for rendition operations. Mr Marty is said to have concluded that the "spider's web" of US rendition flights is based on an "utterly alien" approach that breaches human rights. The most serious charges are reportedly levelled at Poland and Romania, where Mr Marty says there is enough evidence to support suspicions that CIA secret prisons were established. Human rights groups have criticised renditions for exposing detainees to the risk of torture. > >"Politologul Cristian Parvulescu si sociologul Sebastian Lazaroiu au salutat >normalitatea evenimentului de sambata: o manifestatie a unor cetateni in >numele diversitatii, o contramanifestatie a opozantilor, jandarmii care si-au >facut datoria; ca in tarile civilizate" > > >Politologul Cristian Parvulescu si sociologul Sebastian Lazaroiu >condamneaza faptul ca niste indivizi au atacat alti indivizi >dar saluta faptul ca alti indivizi [jandarmii] au atacat acei indivizi. > > >"alti indivizi" [selecti homosexualii] - au iesit la parada pt. >ca e la moda si asta cred ei. > >"niste indivizi" [selecti heterosexualii] - au iesit la atac pt. ca >este la moda si asta cred ei. > >"alti indivizi [jandarmii]" au iesit la atac pt. ca asa le-a ordonat >patronul [ie. guvernul roman care deasemenea se incadreaza la >ordinele patronului (ie. ue)] > >deci "alti indivizi [jandarmii]" sint niste prostituati, >precum si guvernul roman. > > >Politologul Cristian Parvulescu si sociologul Sebastian Lazaroiu >precum majoritatea "civilizatilor" si "avansatilor" din occident >confunda prostitutia cu civilizatia, and further ... > >they confuse formal systems, ie. force, >with informal systems, ie. understanding. > >formal systems, eg. communism, are devised theoretically >and applied top-down, through laws which are enforced >by a state which retains a monopoly on the use of force. > >informal systems, eg. folklore, are grown bottom up, >they are lived among groups of people, which communally >devise their culture and rituals. > > >>"Cosmin Costinas" <cosmincostinas2004@yahoo.com> >> >> http://www.evz.ro/article.php?artid=261190 >>dupa noua rebeliune ortodox-legionara... > >deci, ce ai tu de spus inafara de a repeta ce >iti spun altii \ linia intr-adevar ortodoxa _______________________________________________ Nettime-ro mailing list Nettime-ro@nettime.org http://www.nettime.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/nettime-ro --> arhiva: http://amsterdam.nettime.org/