Geert Lovink via nettime-l on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 11:19:14 +0100 (CET) |
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Re: <nettime> Europe and the MAGA mind virus |
Dear nettimers, here some pointers that I have collected with a few of you. Maybe you want to join. Collaborative filtering was one of the original ideas of nettime, back in 1995... Let’s revive it in the case of the Maoist Elon Trump ‘corporate monachy' and its consequences. Action follows knowledge. There is a broad consensus that the eternal updating of social media feeds is not going to bring much on the long run. Maybe there are better ideas how to approach this? The level of debate on the list so far is certainly very encouraging in these urgent times. I am still a bit uncertain if there is an critical analysis deficit right now (in comparison to late 2016 when Trump I started) but discussions and exchanges are more needed than ever. There is one sign of hope: accelerationists will be bored soon so they want things to speed up and done with - but in complex situations this doesn’t quite work out (as we know in NL with the Wilders government). So the billionairs move on, specially a guy like Elon Musk). Before we’ll get into the question of organization of resistance and subversion, which unusual analyses stuck with you over the past weeks? I mean, not the usual civilized liberal PC ones... Yours, Geert Democracy Is Done: The Rise of Corporate Monarchy Multi-Polarization Document of the Munich Security Conference (the one that JD Vance wrecked) War Nerd Podcast Special on Trump’s Wrecking Crüe + USAID (also listen to the one with the Greenland expert…) Classic 2018 Text from Roger Burrows: On Neoreaction And other romantic delusions Another 2014 Classic by Benjamin Noys on the Origins of Accelerationism Trump’s Cultural Revolution - A Comparison with Mao -- # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: # contact: