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Table of Contents: ISEA2002 'ORAI' - reminder Nina Czegledy <> transmediale.02 newsletter 04 - workshops "transmediale" <> The Shape of Nets to Come - Screen Texts richard barbrook <> call for papers--the language of new media "Jillana Enteen" <> AIM Festival Lecture Schedule AIM Manager <> Radical Time 2002, One Day Symposium (UCLA) geert lovink <> Balkanized at Sunrise "Ivo Skoric" <> Version>02 Convergence in Chicago ed marszewski <> for IM fans: Instant Messaging Planet 2002 Conference & Expo geert lovink <> Fw: Stuttgart Filmwinter Press Release "H S" <> ISEA 2002 - ORAI Jose-Carlos Mariategui <> Survellance Camera Players - Columbia Uni Molly Hankwitz <> [cybersalon] An Intimate Encounter with Douglas Rushkoff -18 Jan 2002 "cybersalonuk" <>(by way of richard barbrook) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002 14:01:56 +0100 From: Nina Czegledy <> Subject: ISEA2002 'ORAI' - reminder APOLOGIES FOR CROSS POSTING Hello All - - Very Happy New Year please note the ISEA2002 reminder best nina czegledy REMINDER DEADLINE APPROACHING!!! ISEA2002 SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE: February 28, 2002 CALL FOR PAPERS & PARTICIPATION ISEA2002 'ORAI' OCTOBER 27-31, 2002 NAGOYA, JAPAN http// ISEA2002 NAGOYA[Orai], the first ISEA symposium in Asia, is expecting about 1500 participants including artists, researchers, engineers, students, and presentations of over 200 papers and works from 30 countries around the world. Many related exhibitions, concerts, performances and other events are also planned to take place in the Nagoya area during the time of ISEA2002. ISEA2002 is organized by a Steering Committee [MEDIASELECT, City of Nagoya, Nagoya Port Authority,etc] in partnership with the Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts (ISEA) and others. ISEA2002 is committed to hosting an inclusive event, encompassing the many trends in electronic art throughout the world, including those with limited access to the latest technology and those working from a cultural context, which may be unfamiliar to the reviewers. Members from communities that traditionally have been under-represented at ISEA are encouraged to identify the new perspectives that they can bring to the symposium. ISEA2002 will offer Papers, Panels, Round Tables, Posters, and Institutional Presentations for scientists, artistic experts, and professionals. Workshops and Tutorials hold special interest for teachers, students, and practicing artists. Exhibitions, Performances, Concerts, and Electronic Theater, are also aimed at the cultural exchange program and are open to the public. ISEA2002 invites Papers to be given during the symposium. Proposals for Panels, Round Tables, Poster Sessions and Institutional Presentations are also welcome related to the symposium topic (see http// ISEA2002 SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE: February 28, 2002 PAPERS Abstract submission max. 500 words Presentation length between 20 -45 minutes. Papers will be published in the ISEA2002 Proceedings. All Papers must be original, unpublished and in English. WORKSHOPS AND TUTORIALS Proposals to include - -prefered format - -concise workshop/tutorial class description - -number of envisioned participants - -consize listing of technical and physical requirements EXHIBITIONS Proposals to clearly describe - -contents of the materials to be submitted, - -necessary prerequisites (including hard and software, audio-visual equipment - -assistance requiredand include audio and/or visual material (pictures, tapes, etc.) for judging of the work. PERFORMANCES AND CONCERTS - -Proposed Performances and Concerts should preferably be no longer than 20 minutes. Proposers should include their equipment requirements in the proposal. ELECTRONIC THEATER A Film & Video Show will be held during ISEA2002. Individuals and institutes are invited to submit the best and most recent examples of their work in the fields of computer animation, image processing and video art. ISEA2002 INFORMATION Contact ISEA2002 NAGOYA Office for further information Submission guidelines and entry form are available on the website. URL http// e-mail ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 11:11:50 +0100 From: "transmediale" <> Subject: transmediale.02 newsletter 04 - workshops (please scroll down for English version) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + + t r a n s m e d i a l e + + + n e w s l e t t e r 04 + + + 07.01.02 + + + t r a n s m e d i a l e . 0 2 + + + international media art festival + + + 5.-10. Februar 2002 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. transmediale.02 - Workshops 2. Die Kunst des Hackens 3. Flash Comic Werkstatt 4. Elektronische Musikimprovisation 5. Programmieren mit Free Video Tools 6. Freie Online Systeme - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. transmediale.02 - Workshops Die transmediale.02 bietet an fuenf Nachmittagen Workshops an, bei denen Kuenstler ihre Entwicklungsarbeit an neuen digitalen Tools vorstellen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dabei Projekten aus dem Bereich der freien Software. Am Sonntag haben die Teilnehmer Gelegenheit, im transmediale Salon oeffentlich ihre Ergebnisse zu praesentieren. Im Rahmen des sideevents in der kunstfabrik gibt es einen Raum zum weiteren Experimentieren mit den vorgestellten Tools. Die Zahl der Teilnehmer ist begrenzt, deshalb bitte zeitig anmelden! Zur Vorbereitung unter e-mail (mit dem Titel des Workshops im Betreff) oder ueber die Kartenreservierung: Tel. 030-39787-175. Kosten 10 bzw. 7 Euro ermaessigt. Akkreditierungen gelten _nicht_ fuer die Workshops. Die Workshops werden auf Englisch abgehalten, wenn nicht anders angegeben. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Die Kunst des Hackens Mittwoch, 6.2., 14.00-19.00, Workshop Hacker Techniques Hacker erforschen das Internet auf sehr gruendliche Weise. Ihre Taktiken, Techniken und Werkzeuge eroeffnen Kuenstlern neue Moeglichkeiten. Im Workshop "Hacker Techniques" der FFLABORATORIES (es) lernen die Teilnehmer, wie man eine Reihe von Hackerwerkzeugen benutzt, und sie werden in die dahinter liegende Philosophie eingefuehrt. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf Computer-Viren. Viren verbreiten sich sehr rasch im Netz und betreffen tausende von Menschen, ohne sich um deren Alter, Nationalitaet oder Status zu kuemmern. Die Workshop-Teilnehmer werden angeregt, sich ueber den nicht-destruktiven Einsatz von Viren Gedanken zu machen. Ueber eine Mailingliste werden vor Beginn des Workshops Informationen zum Thema und ein Diskussionsforum angeboten. FFLABORATORIES sind Mia Makela, Video- und Multimediakuenstlerin, und Ero Carrera Ventura, Softwareprogrammierer. http// - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Flash Comic Werkstatt Donnerstag, 7.2, 14.00-19.00, Workshop Flash (auf Deutsch) Wie Online-Cartoons mit Flash erzaehlt und illustriert werden, zeigen Karo Toons (de) im Workshop "Flash Comic Werkstatt". In klassischen Schritten werden Storyline, Storyboard, Timing und Flashanimation eines Gags oder einer Episode erarbeitet. Nuetzliche klassische Zeichentricks werden auf das neue Medium angewendet: Zitterphasen, Explosionen und Rueckstoesse. Karo Toons bietet die Moeglichkeit, die Ergebnisse in das Online-Modul-Projekt "Stadtdschungel" zu integrieren. Karo Toons sind Katrin Rothe, experimentelle Filmgestalterin, und Peter Auge Lorenz, Ingenieur und Comicautor. http// - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Elektronische Musikimprovisation Freitag, 8.2., 14.00-19.00, Workshop FMOL Sergi Jordas (es) FMOL ist ein audiovisueller freeware Software Synthesizer zur elektronischen Musikimprovisation, der in verschiedenen kollektiven Kompositionsprojekten bereits von hunderten von Internetmusikern benutzt wird. Die Software bietet ein selbst entwickeltes, intuitives Interface, das eine Steuerung in Echtzeit von bis zu sechs synthetischen Stimmen plus Effekten durch eine einfache Maus erlaubt. Im Workshop "FMOL - a Collaborative Online Sound Tool" wird das Projekt erlaeutert, FMOL Musik gehoert und analysiert sowie Moeglichkeiten der musikalischen Improvisation durch die Software erprobt. Am Ende des Workshops steht ein Konzert mit den Teilnehmern. Fuer den Workshop sind keine speziellen Vorkenntnisse, aber ein grosses Interesse fuer Musik erforderlich. Sergi Jorda ist Professor an der Universitaet von Barcelona. Er hat u.a. fuer die katalanische Theatergruppe La Fura dels Baus Software entwickelt. http// - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Programmieren mit Free Video Tools Samstag, 9.2., 14.00-19.00, Workshop FreeJ Der Workshop "FreeJ and other Free Video Tools" von Jaromil (it) beinhaltet einen Crashkurs im Programmieren der noch unveroeffentlichten FreeJ 0.3 Software, mit der auf einfache Weise Videoeffekte erzeugt werden koennen. Jeder Teilnehmer erhaelt eine Boot-CD inklusive der erlaeuterten Software, die unter einer gaengigen Linux Distribution laeuft, und zusaetzlich eine gedruckte Dokumentation mit Schluesselargumenten und einem Ueberblick ueber die Software. Jaromil ist Cyberfunk Hacktivist, ASM/C/C++ Programmierer und Streaming Media Pionier. http// - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Freie Online Systeme Sonntag, 10.2., 14.00-19.00, Workshop Freie Online Systeme (auf Deutsch) Der Workshop "Freie Online Systeme" von Thomax Kaulmann & Herbert A. Meyer (de) richtet sich an alle, die Systeme fuer die Zusammenarbeit im Netz, vor allem Wikis und Weblogs praktisch erproben wollen. Vorausgesetzt wird lediglich Erfahrung im Umgang mit Webbrowsern. Nach einer allgemeinen Einfuehrung in kollaborative Systeme wird die Gebrauchstauglichkeit spezieller Wiki- und Weblog-Systeme getestet. Die experimentell erzielten Resultate werden direkt im Anschluss dargestellt und diskutiert. Alle im Workshop verwendeten Systeme gehoeren zu den Open Source-Anwendungen, die im Rahmen des Projekts "Freie Online Systeme" der Bundeszentrale fuer politische Bildung demonstriert und evaluiert werden. Herbert A. Meyer ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei artop e.V. an der HU Berlin, Thomax Kaulmann Datenkuenstler und freier Unix-Entwickler. http// - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENGLISH VERSION - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + + t r a n s m e d i a l e . 0 2 + + + n e w s l e t t e r 04 + + + 07-01-02 + + + t r a n s m e d i a l e . 0 2 + + + international media art festival + + + Feb. 5-10th, 2002 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. transmediale.02 - Workshops 2. The Art of Hacking 3. Flash Comics 4. Jam it! 5. Free Video Tools 6. Free Online Systems - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. transmediale.02 - workshops transmediale.02 offers hands-on workshops over a period of five afternoons, during which the artists will present their work developing new digital tools. Particular attention will be paid to projects dealing with free software. On Sunday the participants have the opportunity to present their own results in the transmediale Salon. In the context of a side event at Kunstfabrik there will be opportunities for further experimentation with the presented tools. Since the number of participants is limited, please register early, via e-mail, or ticket reservation tel +49-(0)30- 39787-175. Costs 10 Euro / 7 Euro reduced) Accreditations are _not_ valid for these workshops. All workshops will be held in English, unless indicated otherwise. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The Art of Hacking Wednesday, 6.2., 14.00-19.00, Workshop Hacker Techniques Hackers explore the internet in a profound way. Their tactics, techniques and tools open up new possibilities for artists. FFLABORATORIES (es) will teach workshop participants how to use a variety of hacker tools and give an introduction to the philosophy behind them. Special emphasis will be placed on virus techniques. A computer virus is a replicant spreading rapidly through the net, affecting the lives of thousands of people regardless of age, range, social status or nationality. In a way, a virus goes public with an enormous effect. Participants are encouraged to think of new ways of using viruses in a non-destructive manner. A special mailing list for the participants will be launched before the workshop, offering online information and an open space for discussion. FFLABORATORIES are Mia Makela, video and multimedia artist, and Ero Carrera Ventura, software programmer. http// - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Flash Comics Thursday, 7.2, 14.00-19.00, Workshop Flash (in German) Narrate and illustrate online-cartoons with Flash! Karo Toons' (de) Flash Comic workshop will be taking on with classical steps like storyline, timing and flash animation for a gag or an episode. Classical cartoon tricks will be applied to the new medium trembling, explosions and thrusts. The results of the workshop can also be integrated into the online module project "City Jungle". Karo Toons are Katrin Rothe, experimental film designer, and Peter Auge Lorenz, engineer and comic author. http// - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Jam it! Friday, 8.2., 14.00-19.00, Workshop FMOL Sergi Jorda's (es) FMOL is a freeware audiovisual software synthesizer for electronic music improvisation that has been used by hundreds of internet musicians on several collective composition projects.The software, which can be used individually or collectively through the internet, uses a peculiar and intuitive interface that allows to control in real-time up to six synthetic voices plus effects by means of a simple mouse. In this workshop Jorda will explain the FMOL project, present and analyze some FMOL music, and cover all of the software possibilities for electronic music improvisation. The workshop will conclude with several small concerts performed by the participants. No special musical or computing skills are needed, although an interest in experimental electronic music making is strongly recommended. Sergi Jorda is associate professor at the University of Barcelona, amongst others he has designed software for the catalan theatre group La Fura dels Baus. http// - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Free Video Tools Saturday, 9.2., 14.00-19.00, Workshop FreeJ Cyberfunk hacktivist Jaromil (it) offers a workshop which includes a programming crash course of the yet unreleased FreeJ 0.3 software. This free video tool features a "hot pluggable" architecture letting people code easily their own video effects. Every workshop participant will get a bootable CD including the software ready to run on a customized linux distribution, plus printed documentation about key arguments and software overview. Jaromil is an ASM/C/C++ programmer and streaming media pioneer. http// - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Free Online Systems Sunday, 10.2., 14.00-19.00, Workshop Freie Online Systeme (in German) This workshop by Thomax Kaulmann & Herbert A. Meyer (de) is aimed at all those seeking a practical test of collaborative online systems like Wiki and Weblog. The only requirement is a basic familiarity in the use of web browsers. After a general introduction into collaborative systems, the user suitability of special Wiki and Weblog systems will be tested. The results achieved through experimenting will be shown and discussed. All systems used during the workshop belong to open source applications which are being evaluated as part of the project "Free Online Systems" of the Federal Centre for Political Education. Herbert A. Meyer is scientific assistant at artop e.V., Humboldt University Berlin; Thomax Kaulmann is data artist and free Unix developer. http// - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- transmediale.02 +++ newsletter 04 +++ annette schaefer +++ press office +++ +++ transmediale.02 [ go public! ] 5 - 10 february 2002 international media art festival berlin klosterstr. 68-70 10179 berlin germany fon +49 30 2472 1907 fax +49 30 2472 1909 ........................................................................... ................................. Member of the European Coordination of Film Festivals E.E.I.G. ........................................................................... .................................. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 12:41:30 +0000 (GMT) From: richard barbrook <> Subject: The Shape of Nets to Come - Screen Texts <The Shape of Nets to Come> //// The Cybersalon/ NMK Christmas lecture ///// Richard Barbrook Tuesday 18th December 2001 <> <> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screen Texts - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Not to lie about the future is impossible and one can lie about it at will" - Naum Gabo, Realistic Manifesto 1920. 474 million people are now on the Net. Almost 1 in 12 of the global population. What's your e-mail address? Check out this website. I bought it on the Net. You are now subscribed to our listserver. Do a google search for it... 1989 was the end of history - the collapse of the Stalinist utopia. 1995 was the rebirth of history - the emergence of the Net utopia. information superhighway cyberspace virtual worlds electronic democracy virtual community collective intelligence Gaia mind memes cyborgs cybersex The information superhighway was a future which was already thirty years old. Marshall McLuhan - global village Daniel Bell - post-industrial society Alain Touraine - post-industrialism Zbigniew Brzezinski - technetronic society Simon Nora & Alain Minc - telematics Alvin & Heidi Toffler - Third Wave Jean-François Lyotard - post-modernism ..or maybe it was only twenty years out of date? hi-tech neo-liberalism globalisation off-shore banking friction-free markets perfect competition heroic entrepreneurs symbolic analysts strong encryption digital money weightless economy There is no such thing as the information society - there are only individuals and their firms buying and selling information. The dotcom boom was more about financial engineering than information technologies. Dutch tulip craze South Sea Bubble Speculative over-investment can create permanent improvements in the infrastructure. Railway mania Radio boom Do you want proof that the Net is at the "cutting-edge" of the economy? The dotcom firms were the first into the recession... The enthusiasts have had their fun. Now it's time for the big boys to take over. Embrace and Extend Command and Conquer Resistance is futile, we will assimilate you! Microsoft-NBC-Newscorp-Vivendi-Sony-Nokia-AOL-Time-Warner-BMG G8-IMF-WTO-TRIPS-NATO Future 1: MONOPOLY.NET When everything is changing, everything must stay the same. New media is old media redux. Interaction means pressing more buttons. There is no need to know how your machine works. Media deregulation is the prosecution of Napster. Welcome to the Digital Panopticon - the copyright police are watching over you! What good is a digital music file which can't be used for DJ-ing, sampling or re-mixing? If political censorship of the media is unacceptable, why are there still laws enforcing economic censorship? Do you really want Bill Gates spying on your desktop? Big Daddy Mainframe is the baddie from a late-night sci-fi movie. The motor car is not a horseless carriage. Radio broadcasting is not wireless telegraphy. The Net is not interactive TV. The secret is out: the Net was invented to share information. Future 2: GEEK.NET Napster Freenet Aimster Gnutella Morpheus Peer-to-peer computing Computer scientists built the Net in their own image. The academic gift economy: Giving an article to a journal. Presenting a paper at a conference. Evaluation, comparison, collaboration. Peer review. Proprietary hardware and copyright software are annoying technical bugs. Open architecture and open standards are the best fixes. "Information wants to be free" - literally. Peer-to-peer computing isn't the next big thing on the Net. It is the Net! If the US military couldn't stop the geeks from taking over the Net, why did anyone think that the music biz would more successful? "Copyright industries are the handloom weavers of the twenty-first century." - Wall Street Journal, 2000. Why can't I buy some old media on-line? Who will pay the piper when the music is free? Is the Net only for smart young people from developed countries? is another sci-fi fantasy: The shape of the Net to come is... 'The Shape of Things to Come' - H.G. Wells' future ruled by a scientific priesthood. Future 3: PEOPLE.NET The Net inspires beautiful paradoxes and weird ironies. Let's celebrate contradiction! Software communism depends upon hardware capitalism. PCs ISPs Phones ...and lots of other cool gadgets. Hardware capitalists are profiting from software communism. Sony Music may prosecute Napster... ...but Sony Electronics sells MP3 players. "Rip, Mix, Burn" - Apple ad, 2001 The Digital Panopticon is bad for business. ...except the copyright business. Copyright industries are 5% of GDP in the USA. Office work is 50% of GDP in the USA. Would your company trust its trade secrets with Bill Gates? Would your company sacrifice the Net to protect the music business? Would you hell. The question is not whether the Net should be commercial or non-commercial... The question is: what sort of mixed economy will emerge from the Net? The moment of the Net utopia is over. We must live with its messy compromises between private, public and community initiatives. Welcome to the really existing Net. Not perfect, but improveable. Since the Net can't be turned into a corporate monopoly... ...the corporation will become more like the Net. Network communities aren't just for Dungeons & Dragons fans. Free software creates jobs for techies. Who else is going to install, maintain and improve it? >From product to process. Commodities co-existing with gifts. Selling a relationship with an artist rather than a piece of plastic. The state paid for the invention of the Net. It still has work to do: More intelligent copyright laws. No legal aid for the Digital Panopticon. More sophisticated telecoms regulation. How can there be a mass market for e-commerce if the masses aren't on-line? BT is the Railtrack of telecommunications. Creating competition in 19th voice century telephony isn't the smartest method of building the 21st century Net. Let's update some public service goals for telecoms regulation: Unmetered calls. Universal Net access. Broadband for all! Education, education, education. The Net was born in the universities - and has never really left home. Libraries. The Net was built to store, sort and disseminate knowledge. Every other function is just a plug-in... What the academics invented, the amateurs popularised. Every hobby has its website. Every obsession has its chatroom. Every perversion is celebrated. Every political position is propagated. ...and it's your choice whether to check them out. TV enforces the passive consumption of programmes by viewers. The Net encourages interactive creativity between its users. Not just looking at someone else's website, but also making your own. The Net is the do-it-yourself media for the DIY culture. Not only creating your own on-line projects, but also finding other people to work with. The Net is exploring the potential of technology. Don't clog up your computer with bloatware. Install something smarter and funkier. Discover what's not in the manual. Develop the next big thing. Open source. Open standards. Open architecture. Open future. - ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Richard Barbrook Hypermedia Research Centre School of Communications and Creative Industries University of Westminster Watford Road Northwick Park HARROW HA1 3TP <> landline: +44 (0)20 7911 5000 x 4590 mobile: 07879-441873 - ------------------------------------------------------------------- "While there is irony, we are still living in the prehistoric age. And we are not out of it yet..." - Henri Lefebvre - ------------------------------------------------------------------- The HRC is involved in running regular cybersalons at the ICA in London. If you would like to be informed about forthcoming events, you can subscribe to a listserver on our website: <>. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 18:29:25 -0600 From: "Jillana Enteen" <> Subject: call for papers--the language of new media The Language of New Media. (apologies for cross posting) (A panel proposed for the American Studies Association annual convention, Houston, TX, November 14-17, 2002) The language associated with new media and connected cultural and economic forces derives almost exclusively from English (the "World Wide Web" is a most obvious example). This panel seeks to explore the cultural contexts surrounding the global dissemination of the language of new media. What associations are implicit in the terms concerning information technologies? How does the terminology circumscribe the use of new media technologies? What are the cultural, political, social and economic ramifications of the spread of this language within and beyond U.S. borders? Please send 500-word abstracts and brief c.v. by January 12, 2002 to Jillana Enteen at Jillana Enteen ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 15:26:54 -0800 From: AIM Manager <> Subject: AIM Festival Lecture Schedule Dear Webmaster: Please add the following information regarding our festival to your website. Thank You- Art In Motion ART IN MOTION III This year AIM III, in partnership with the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, presents Luna Park: a series of lectures, events, and critical inquiries into digital art practice and culture, and the trajectories of globalization. During winter and spring 2002, a lecture series and two-day symposium will examine art, technology, entertainment, and activism in the context of globalization, the growing privatization of culture, and our fascination with the spectacular. AIM is the annual international festival of time-based media presented by the University of Southern California School of Fine Arts. AIM is directed by artist Janet Owen. The AIM III lecture series and symposium are programmed by artist and AIM Executive Producer Christiane Robbins. Events are free; museum admission is not included. INFO:, or 213/740-2787 AIM III Lecture #1 Natalie Jeremijenko Saturday, January 26, 2-4pm Ahmanson Auditorium Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles Natalie Jeremijenko was recently named among the top 100 young innovators by the MIT Technology Review. A design engineer and technoartist, Jeremijenko is a 1999 Rockefeller fellow whose work has been included in the Rotterdam Film Festival (2000), the Guggenheim Museum, New York (1999), the Museum Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, and the LUX Gallery, London (1999). AIM III: Luna Park Lecture #2 DJ Spooky Saturday, February 23, 2-4pm Ahmanson Auditorium Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles Best known for the music he has recorded under the moniker "DJ Spooky that Subliminal Kid," NYC-based Paul D. Miller is also a writer and conceptual artist whose work has appeared in the Whitney Biennial, The Venice Biennial for Architecture (2000), the Kunsthalle, Vienna; and such publications as The Village Voice, The Source, Artbyte, and Artforum. AIM III Lecture #3: Coco Fusco, with Ricardo Dominguez Saturday March 23rd, 2-4pm Ahmanson Auditorium , Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles Interdisciplinary artist Coco Fusco has performed, exhibited, and curated programs throughout the world. She is the author of English is Broken Here, a collection of essays on art, media and cultural politics; editor of Corpus Delecti: Performance Art of the Americas. Her work has been included in, among others, the Whitney Biennial, the Sydney Biennale, and the London International Theatre Festival. Coco's recent collaborator, artist and theorist Ricardo Dominguez is a co-founder of the Electronic Disturbance Theater, Senior Editor of The Thing , and currently a Worker with hybrid performance group Fake-Fakeshop. AIM III Lecture #4: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer Saturday April 6th, 2-4pm Ahmanson Auditorium, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles Mexican-Canadian electronic artist Lozano-Hemmer works in relational architecture, technological theatre and performance art. His projects - including vectorial elevation which transformed Mexico City's Zocalo Square with immense light sculptures created by participants on the Internet have received numerous awards including: Interactive Art Golden Nica, Ars Electronica 2000, Best Installation at the Toronto Interactive Digital Media Awards, and an Excellence Prize at the CG Arts Media Art Festival, Tokyo. The AIM III Symposium Friday April 19, 10am-5pm, USC, Annenberg Auditorium Saturday April 20, 10am -5pm, Ahmanson Auditorium, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles The Luna Park Symposium brings together an internationally diverse field of theorists and practitioners to address pivotal issues raised by the dominance of a technologized entertainment culture and digital art practice. The Symposium includes such dynamic participants as artists, theorists and h/activists Connie Samaras, Natalie Bookchin, Shu Lea Cheang George LeGrady, Jordan Crandall, James Der Derian, Maria Fernandez, Pamela Lee Sylvere Lotringer, Peter Lunenfeld, , Simon Penny, Lawrence A. Rickels, Julia Scher Locations Museum of Contemporary Art Ahmanson Auditorium, 250 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90012 Admission to all AIM events is free, general museum admission is not included. USC Annenberg Auditorium USC Annenberg School for Communication Watt Way @ Hellman Way University Park Campus Los Angeles, CA 90089 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 08:04:39 +1100 From: geert lovink <> Subject: Radical Time 2002, One Day Symposium (UCLA) Via: "Trebor Scholz" <> RADICAL TIME 2002 One-Day Symposium Saturday, January 19, 2002 Presentations: 10 am to 10 pm UCLA Graduate Art Studios 8535 Warner Avenue, Culver City Press Information: Sharon Hayes 323.962.7455 January 8, 2002 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Radical Time is a one-day symposium to be held in Los Angeles on January 19th, 2002. This 12-hour event is independently organized by six artists, in affiliation with the Art Department at the University of California, Los Angeles. Radical Time brings together artists, writers, activists, theorists, and other cultural producers to investigate overlapping discourses of temporality and radicality. The title Radical Time is a provocation, a starting point, and an invitation, for presenters and audience alike. Examinations include, but are certainly not limited to, the present as a historical and political moment, time as a critical medium, the functions of historiography, nostalgia, allegory and memory, and desires for cultural and political transformation. From the urgent need to examine the critical juncture of radicality and temporality, Radical Time seeks to support wide-ranging but focused discussions which will address what Claude Levi-Strauss calls our "past legacies and future tendencies." Beginning at 10 am, the 12-hour symposium consists of twenty 20-minute presentations. The day will be organized around five sets of four presentations, each of which will be followed by ample time for response and discussion. The all-day marathon environment allows for the dialogue to extend through disparate presentations and for discussions to spill into social gathering. Speakers include Warren Sack, Kara Lynch, Laurent Dubois, Åsa Nacking, Sharon Hayes, Simon Leung, Morgan Fisher, Sara Jordenö, Jonathan Berger, Jayce Salloum, Rita Gonzalez, Trebor Scholz, Cletus Dalglish-Schommer, The Speculative Archive for Historical Clarification, Ashley Hunt, Anne Bray, John Knight, Amy Pederson, and Joe Sola. For further information please contact Sharon Hayes (phone & fax) 323.962.7455. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 21:41:24 -0500 From: "Ivo Skoric" <> Subject: Balkanized at Sunrise ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 02:40:15 -0600 From: ed marszewski <> Subject: Version>02 Convergence in Chicago Version>02 April 18-20 Calling all artists, designers, activists, multimedia producers, information architects, tactical media agents, programmers, musicians, filmmakers, concerned citizens and critical thinkers: This is a call for a gathering of the digital commons, and we want to hear from you! We are interested in your ideas, projects, sounds, films, papers and proposals concerning the future of the digital commons, and invite you to share them with us during our three-day convergence. The term /digital commons/ is derived from the Common Law movement in England in the 1600s. The movement called for the protection of shared public spaces - the "commons" - its tools and resources. Often, larger, private interests overran the commons, and this failure of the communities to maintain their public resources is known in the discourse as "the tragedy of the commons". This April 18-20, 2002, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago will host Version>02, a digital arts and technology convergence. To initiate the first iteration of this event, we are asking you to consider how the maintenance of this digital commons necessitates a dialogue about intellectual property, the balance between civil liberties and security, freedom of speech and privacy, and the implications of free or limited access to tools and information. We ask you to share your vision of this space, it¹s present and future. Version>02 is an exploration of our digital commons and an opportunity to meet those who tend to its gardens, fences, and pathways. It is an investigation into maintaining, expanding and designing the commons, while ensuring the continuation of shared resources and information in all facets of communications. This April, Version>02, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago and participating area galleries will provide a forum for artists, performers, and critical thinkers. For three days and three nights, this digital arts and technology will feature performances, film screenings, web installations, and demonstrations from active minds of the emergent culture. Interested? Send your questions and submissions to: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 11:07:35 +1100 From: geert lovink <> Subject: for IM fans: Instant Messaging Planet 2002 Conference & Expo (a possible place for 'software criticism'? geert) Introducing Instant Messaging Planet 2002 Conference & Expo, coming to Boston on March 7-8, 2002. The first focused event of its kind, Instant Messaging Planet 2002 Conference & Expo is the only industry forum that will bring together IM experts and professionals in order to exchange ideas, strategies and Instant Messaging success stories. It is also the only event that provides an interactive exhibit floor enabling vendors to exhibit their products and solutions to businesses and organizations looking to incorporate IM enterprise solutions into their infrastructure. Sign up by February 21 and save $100! For more information and to register today, visit The conference emphasizes topics dealing with secure IM solutions designed specifically for all types of profit and non-profit organizations. It approaches Instant Messaging on several levels with both business and technical tracks. Timely business topics covered include: * Instant Messaging and the financial sector * How to market IM services to consumers and make a profit * IM and the law * Combining IM and eCRM * and more... Technical sessions include: * Implementation issues * Security concerns * Enterprise strategies * and more... A concluding session brings together the business and technical tracks for a joint session on the future of Instant Messaging in the enterprise. To view the whole agenda please visit Instant Messaging Planet 2002 Conference & Expo is designed for professionals interested in better understanding the business opportunities presented by enterprise Instant Messaging (IM). While Instant Messaging is best known for its use by consumers, its vast untapped potential is in the enterprise business sector, where it has rapidly become a critical tool for business communications, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and business process integration. Companies have found that Instant Messaging within their enterprises has saved them valuable time and money, and in crisis conditions has even proven to be more reliable and more effective than their e-mail systems. For information or complete details on exhibiting or any sponsorship opportunity, please contact Frank Fazio Jr. at (203) 662-2976 or at Remember to sign up by February 21 to save $100. Registration questions please contact Allison Alessio at or (203) 662-2857. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 20:18:53 +0100 From: "H S" <> Subject: Fw: Stuttgart Filmwinter Press Release This is a multi-part message in MIME format. FW: Stuttgart Filmwinter Press Release Press release=20 15th Stuttgart Filmwinter - Festival for Expanded Media Festival: 17th to 20th of January 2002 Warm Up: 10th to 16th of January 2002 Please visit for more information Stuttgart Filmhaus, Treffpunkt Roteb=FChlplatz, kleine Schalterhalle - = Central Station, Gedok Gallery, Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart, = Germany Give me more.=20 More than 1000 projects were submitted to the Filmwinter to be chosen. = This enormous increase in comparison to last year (about 600 = submissions) shows that the Filmwinter has established itself as an = innovative forum in the international festival scene. As Festival For = Expanded Media the Filmwinter investigates the relationship and = differences between film, video and new media. As a place for = experimental film, short-film, video-art, net-art and media based = environments the artistic quality is of main importance. Additionally = Filmwinter tries to combine the artistic projects with social, political = and economical topics. Within the Expanded Media Lounge (XML) not only = will media development and information technology be introduced, there = will also be speakers who talk about sociology, economic science and = philosophy. It is the aim to present and discuss media as factors = influencing our reception in every-day-life, which can be seen and felt. = More than 100 international and national filmmakers, artists, = researchers and representatives of the Media and IT industry will = discuss topics such as robotics, media-evolution in countries of = transmission, migrating systems within the internet and VJ-culture. = Along side this presentation and discussion there will be the legendary = parties that have formed a basic part of Filmwinter. For 15 years = Filmwinter has been establishing an innovative mix of emerging and = established work. This is true as well for the location: next to the = established festival locations of the Filmhaus, Treffpunkt = Roteb=FChlplatz and Kleine Schalterhalle (Small Ticket Hall) of the = MainTrain Station there will be the Old Printing factory next to the = Filmhaus which will function as theatre stage. Info Box: Admission charge 15th Stuttgart Filmwinter Single ticket film / video =DD 6,50 erm. =DD 5,50 Single ticket lectures =DD 5 erm. =DD 4 Award winning films =DD 7 erm. =DD 6 Children's programme =DD 5 erm. =DD 3 Festival pass =DD 65 erm. =DD 50 Day ticket =DD 22 erm. =DD 18 Parties =DD 6 (for owners of tickets to other program points, there = is no entrance fee for parties, taking place on the same day) Ticket Booking as from January 10, 2002 Phone ++49-711-226 91 62 Fax ++49 -711-226 91 61 e-mail Booking of catalogues and permanent tickets at the Filmhaus Stuttgart = and several ticket agencies in Stuttgart as from January 10, 2002. Deadline for accreditations for journalists and professionals is = January 7, 2002. We are looking forward to your editorial coverage. We are glad to = provide you with any photographic material (data or print), VHS tapes = and any further information you might need. Video material available is = for Betacam SP. =20 =20 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 03:17:31 -0500 From: Jose-Carlos Mariategui <> Subject: ISEA 2002 - ORAI Estimados amigos: Les ruego difundir entre las personas interesadas el llamado de trabajos para el ISEA 2002, el cual tiene como política general la participación de países y grupos que anteriormente no se encontraban representados en el ISEA, como es el caso de América Latina. Para que esto sea una realidad necesitamos que envíen sus propuestas antes de la fecha límite. Saludos Jose-Carlos Mariategui - -------- INTER-SOCIEDAD DE ARTES ELECTRONICAS ISEA 2002 DEADLINE: 29 DE FEBRERO, 2002 LLAMADA PARA TRABAJOS Y PARTICIPACION ISEA 2002 ³ORAI² OCTUBRE 27 31, 2002 NAGOYA, JAPON ISEA 2002 NAGOYA (Orai) el primer simposio ISEA en Asia, está esperando a 1500 participantes aproximadamente, incluyendo artistas, investigadores, ingenieros, estudiantes, y presentaciones de más de 200 trabajos de 30 países del mundo. Muchas exhibiciones, conciertos, performances y otros eventos se planean también llevarse a cabo en Nagoya durante los días de ISEA 2002. Del 27 al 31 de octubre del año 2002, el décimoprimer Simposio Internacional de Artes Electrónicas (ISEA) se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Nagoya, Japón. Los organizadores del ISEA 2002 son MEDIASELECT, la Ciudad de Nagoya y la Autoridad del Puerto de Nagoya, entre otras junto con la Inter- Society for the Electronic Arts (ISEA), entre otros. ISEA 2002 se compromete a realizar un evento único, mostrando las varias maneras de hacer arte electrónico alrededor del mundo, incluyendo a aquellos países con acceso limitado a la más reciente tecnología, y a aquellos que trabajan en un contexto cultural, que puede resultar un poco desconocido a los asistentes. Los miembros de comunidades que tradicionalmente no han sido debidamente representadas en ISEA son bienvenidos en identificar las nuevas perspectivas que se puedan en el ISEA 2002. La Inter- Society for the Electronic Arts (ISEA) fue fundada en 1990 y sus oficinas se encuentran actualmente en Amersfoort, Holanda. ISEA es una organización no gubernamental dedicada al desarrollo y promoción del arte electrónico. ISEA se dedica a las comunicaciones / cooperaciones interculturales e interdisciplinarias entre las artes y los campos de la tecnología, ciencia e industria. ISEA 2002 prueba a ser el mayor evento internacional para los miembros de la comunidad artística relacionados con las artes electrónicas. Las series del simposio El Simposio de ISEA 2002 es una continuación de estas series de éxito: Primer ISEA 1988, Utrecht, Holanda Segundo ISEA 1990, Groningen, Holanda Tercer ISEA 1992, Sydney, Australia Cuarto ISEA 1993, Minneapolis, USA Quinto ISEA 1994, Helsinki, Finlandia Sexto ISEA 1995, Montreal, Canadá Séptimo ISEA 1996, Rotterdam, Holanda Octavo ISEA 1997, Chicago, USA Noveno ISEA 1998, Liverpool/Manchester, UK Décimo ISEA 2000, Paris, Francia Grupos objetivos Este evento ISEA 2002 Nagoya (Orai) está orientado a varios grupos, que van desde especialistas hasta el público en general. ISEA 2002 ofrece papeles, paneles, mesas redondas, posters, y presentaciones institucionales para científicos, expertos artistas y profesionales. Workshops y tutorials prestan mucho interés en profesores, estudiantes, y jóvenes artistas. Exhibiciones, performances, conciertos y teatro electrónico, son también fines del programa de intercambio cultural y están abiertos al público. Tema (Orai) es una palabra japonesa que tiene muchas interpretaciones. Se refiere a idas y venidas, comunicación, y contacto, como también a calles y tráfico. Hace 200 años, un libro titulado Nagoya Orai fue compilado y publicado en Nagoya el cual fue usado como un libro de enseñanza, escritura, y desarrollo de la literatura. Mediante discusiones acerca del arte y sus estudios interdisciplinarios, ISEA 2002 Nagoya (Orai) espera proveer una oportunidad para crear un nuevo texto y explorar nuevas formas de literatura en la sociedad de la red. Tópicos Los tópicos incluyen teoría, Internet y sociedad electrónica, arte, diseño, arquitectura y urbanismo, música, artes actuadas, programación y software, educación y literatura como también los tópicos especiales del 2002, (Orai). ISEA 2002 invita a presentar al simposio propuestas para paneles, mesas redondas; y sesiones de posters y presentaciones institucionales también son bienvenidas. Todas las propuestas deben estar en relación directa a alguno de los tópicos. Propuestas que tienen relación a tópicos especiales (Orai) son particularmente acogidos. Trabajos (Papers) Los papeles pueden ser cortos (20 minutos) o largos (45 minutos). Los trabajos serán publicados en el ISEA 2002 Proceedings durante el evento. Todos los trabajos deben ser originales, nunca antes publicados y en idioma inglés. Por favor notar que sólo un borrador (máximo 500 palabras, ambos formatos) es requerido para la fecha límite (febrero 28, 2002). Workshops y sesiones tutoriales Durante el Simposio ISEA 2002, educadores tendrán la oportunidad de compartir información a través de series de workshops y sesiones tutoriales. Los workshops requieren el desarrollo guiado de ideas y exploración de tópicos teóricos específicos y prácticos en las artes y la tecnología. Asimismo, las sesiones tutoriales ofrecen la oportunidad para estudiantes y profesores de aprender programas y técnicas en una clase. Las propuestas deben incluir el formato deseado, una descripción concisa del workshop dado o sesión tutorial, el número de participantes, como también una lista clara de recursos (técnicos y físicos). Exhibiciones Propuestas para la exhibición de material impreso, slides, instalaciones de video, trabajos interactivos, etc. son bienvenidos para la Exhibición ISEA 2002. Las propuestas deben describir claramente los contenidos de materiales que van a ser llevados, los necesarios requisitos (incluyendo hardware y software, equipos audiovisuales, asistencia necesaria, etc) e incluir también audio y/o material visual (imagenes, cintas, etc) para la aprobación de las propuestas. Performances y conciertos Durante el Simposio ISEA 2002, una serie de performances y conciertos serán presentados. Estos eventos están destinados a los participantes del simposio y al público en general. Se prefiere que las performances propuestas y los conciertos no tengan una duración mayor de 20 minutos, a pesar de que eso no es un requisito. Las personas que traen sus propuestas deberán traer su equipo requerido para su propuesta. Teatro Electrónico Un show de películas y video será presentado durante ISEA 2002. Personas e instituciones son invitadas a presentar los mejores y más recientes ejemplos de su trabajo en los campos de animación por computadora, procesamiento de imagen y video arte. Además de piezas individuales, la entrega del trabajo, como comerciales de calidad estética, son bienvenidos. Una selección se incluirá en el Teatro Electrónico; y una selección mayor será presentada en el lugar de exhibición. La documentación de exhibiciones, performances, conciertos y teatro electrónico será publicada en el Catálogo ISEA 2002, antes del evento. Información de Isea 2002 Mayor información y formulario para la presentación de propuestas están a su disposición en nuestra página web. URL http// e-mail: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 12:07:13 +1000 From: Molly Hankwitz <> Subject: Survellance Camera Players - Columbia Uni Dear Nettime, Here is a blurb we received from the Surveillance Camera Players, New York's best loved surveillance camera performers - I've posted quite a few of their events on the list - some of you may be interested in speaking or writing about this event. Molly Folks -- I'm trying to organize a panel on surveillance cameras as part of Columbia University students' counter-conference to the World Economic Forum, which will be held in New York at the very beginning of February 2002. Would you like to participate? Give a 20 minute talk and answer questions? See for more information. Please RSVP asap. Thanks Bill, Surveillance Camera Players < ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 12:42:38 +0000 (GMT) From: "cybersalonuk" <>(by way of richard barbrook) Subject: [cybersalon] An Intimate Encounter with Douglas Rushkoff -18 Jan 2002 <CYBERSALON.ORG> invite you to: An Intimate Encounter with Douglas Rushkoff - controversial NYC social theorist and author of "Bull", "Media Virus", "The Ecstasy Club", "Children of Chaos", "Cyberia" ... He will be dropping into London on: Friday 18th Jan 2002 from 7-11pm. @ the Global Cafe, 15 Golden Square, London W1. Tubes: Oxford Circus/Piccadilly Circus See map on: Cost: FREE Itinery: 7.00 - 8.30 pm: Short talk by Rushkoff followed by a discussion chaired by Dr Richard Barbrook (HRC). 8.30 - 11.00 pm: Party with healthy New Year doses of Dub beats from DJ Zip Dog and plenty of schmoozing. PLEASE NOTE THIS EVENT IS *NOT* HELD AT THE ICA. More info on: <> <> <> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE CYBERSALONISTAS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to ------------------------------ # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: