porculus on Sun, 30 Sep 2001 23:13:38 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: RHIZOME_RAW: [ot] [!nt] \n2+0\

> valmont, i believed your passion for me died.

valmont valmont but it's just a name good enuf for non strerilized stinking cheese of
goat nn. your duty now is not to much desesperated the consumers to eat mayonnaise+
otherwise the terrorist will achieve to istroy the third tower made by the slim of
empty space between twin (all gramarian of onde of phorm know that) &.your duty is to
sustain west economy in telling sehr korrect love story. i propose you would play a
nyorker in a love affair in grosse berlin with a young russian called
er..'ivoanoenov' he would be an ancient kgb, employed by cia as spy coach and we
could imagine a nasty chechen that would be extremly jealous of him cause you dont
love at all  barbed & hairy hood and then ivanoenov, brit by his mother..

> my life my death my love.

ha l'amour l'amour..toujours

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