integer on Mon, 17 Sep 2001 04:11:25 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] embarrassing .us citizens worldwide

Joy Garnett <> [made in the U>S>A>]

responding to

>> 00. Joy Garnett <>  -  01 very american American writer - wr
>> >oh fuck you asshole. you've lost the last ounce of my fucking patience. go
>> >shit on your own head while we deal with this you arrogant geek.
>> >
>> >joy
>> those sandwiches you have been making for firemen were very healthy right +?
>> >we
>> >... geek
>> my hands are whiter than yours.
>> my eyes are bluer than yours.
>> i am extremely patient.

>you're just stupid that's all.
>you need to go get yourself fucked.
>you are now being filtered.

[nn smiles]

Joy if you continue demonstrating your exquisite American upbringing [your parents admire you right +?]
even those American firemen may become suspicious.

it appears the rest of the world _is already very suspicious of American cuisine.

vr!endel!jk. nn -  very attentive for anyone looking A-meri-can [they may force me to work]

>>joy = she
>Well. I won't invite her to dinner.
>>I lllllooved your response to agricola de cologne
>>very good very good.
>>Will you treat me in the same way one day?

in dreams one never sees dze sun 
aber = one perceives a greater brightness.

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