integer on Thu, 13 Sep 2001 17:21:32 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] (no subject)

From: Harsh Kapoor <>
Subject: Laura Flanders - Live reports from Manhattan

>An Iranian-American friend received an email yesterday, from a volunteer
>at a Moslem Mosque in Los Angeles, with disclaimer that "these are the
>letters of hate my dad's mosque in LA got just in the past few hrs...
>"Go back to the middle east before you get burned at the Stake, who the
>fuck do you think you guys are coming to our communities and bringing your
>dirt with you? Muslims and their hate are not wanted in LA"
>"Fuck you all for bringing your mud dirt people to our country and after
>that bringing your evil uncivilized ways here to harm and hurt our people.
>Watch out because we know who you are and we know where you live and we
>will make sure that you pay for all those American lives lost"
>"Fuck Muslims and fuck you, you will die for doing this"
>"You middle eastern mud people need to die and pay for what you did."

                                  |             |

                                    seneca: it is logical that the illogical should contracdict the logical 

+ on dze odr z!de ov dze ztr = dze organ!szd churchez.

>President or Priest?
>Some New Yorkers gathered around a television two hours ago, to hear words
>from the only president we've got.



>"Fuck you all for bringing your mud dirt people to our country and after
>that bringing your evil uncivilized ways here to harm and hurt our people.

 Bin Laden was funded and established by the US
 government as part of the campaign against the Russians in Afganistan 

! zm!le at dze red tape u r pul!ng apart. letz uear !t.

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