Andrew Ross on Wed, 12 Sep 2001 17:16:25 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] Re: <nettime> New York City

 As someone who's been moving around downtown New York yesterday and  
this  morning, I'm struck by how many paramilitary vehicles there are   
on the  streets. The National Guard is here, of course, but there are   
also all sorts of very strange-looking vehicles (with unfamiliar  
acronyms on the side, if they are identified at all) that you never see 
 on civilian streets, but which clearly belong to the relevant civil   
authorities. All other things aside (which, I realize, is a large   
proviso), the atmosphere is neo-martial, and reminds one of how quickly 
 a dense First World metro area can and could be commandeered under   
other circumstances that one is only left to imagine. 


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