Terrence Kosick on Mon, 3 Sep 2001 05:54:31 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-bold] artnatural- e-bay vs web art discussion soapbox

*actioncat*  (0)  (view author's auctions)
8:21pm September 2, 2001 (#1 of 15)

VIrtually anyone with a trademark would send you the same letter if you
used their trademaerk as part of a
domain name.

imhiding  (0)  (view author's auctions)
8:23pm September 2, 2001 (#2 of 15)

I had the exact sme thing happen to be as I had recently registered the

They didn't want me to use their registered name either.

Go figure.

terrence-  (0) (view author's auctions)
8:27pm September 2, 2001 (#3 of 15)

I can see that it would be a sort of form letter any legal department
would sent but really folks are they being
community hypocrits here? I mean art is art. What harm does it do them?

i-like-it-rough  (private)   (view author's auctions)
8:30pm September 2, 2001 (#4 of 15)

Someone needs to file a law suit against Ebay because they are becoming
a monopoly. In a couple of years
they will be treated like IBM is being treated now.

imhiding  (0)  (view author's auctions)
8:30pm September 2, 2001 (#5 of 15)

Perhaps you missed the part where eBay is a company?

What part of Trademark/Copyright/Domain don't you inderstand?

terrence-  (0) (view author's auctions)
8:31pm September 2, 2001 (#6 of 15)

Mr. Bukoff might be a little quirky but is he attracted the art that is
being created there. So what if he uses
the name. he is not setting up an e-auction. I think it is mean and
culturally stupid of e-bays legal
department. They are truly being e-trailerpark trash. They have 0-class.

taylorclub  (8) (view author's auctions)
8:33pm September 2, 2001 (#7 of 15)

I had one years ago, pretty much the same story:


BOY, did I hear about that one.

terrence-  (0) (view author's auctions)
8:33pm September 2, 2001 (#8 of 15)

I miss nothing. they are hypocrits.they are a false community. they are
corporate trash if they keep being
bullies. I mean get a sense of humour or get a life.

*actioncat*  (0)  (view author's auctions)
8:34pm September 2, 2001 (#9 of 15)

It's all about protecting the trademark, terrence - it has nothing to do
with how they feel about the community
or about art or about anything but protecting the trademark.

terrence-  (0) (view author's auctions)
8:36pm September 2, 2001 (#10 of 15)

what the heck happened? that is crap. the consumer environment is the
air we are breathing it is what we see
and hear. this is the jungle this is nature!


artnatural rules!

terrence-  (0) (view author's auctions)
8:37pm September 2, 2001 (#11 of 15)

trade mark at the cost of freedom of speech?
check the constitution. ok?

taylorclub  (8) (view author's auctions)
8:39pm September 2, 2001 (#12 of 15)

in reality, you take on a big responsibility when you own a trade mark.
but I will add that the above mention
law is USA law. I have fought the law since it started stretching its
long arm in '93. how can any country
spread such a blanket.

taylorclub  (8) (view author's auctions)
8:39pm September 2, 2001 (#13 of 15)

talking about internet law there

*actioncat*  (0)  (view author's auctions)
8:40pm September 2, 2001 (#14 of 15)

Artists also copyright their work. If someone reproduces it to use on
their travel brochures, without
permission and without paying them, the artist would similarly have the
right to ask them to stop. The travel
brochure company might speculate that the artist is a poor sport and a
community party pooper, but the
person who created and registered the art owns it, end of story. It's
the same rule for corporations and their
trademarks - they're just way less popular than artists, because they're
filthy rich.

terrence-  (0) (view author's auctions)
8:50pm September 2, 2001 (#15 of 15)

I think the point here was it was a selfless use of the trademark. It
was a site that was only registed ans not in
use and not for profit It was intended to be used to document conceptual
artworks posted on e-bay.
Cummon! You have to lossen up on that one.

Personally I think the legal department was just into billing time.
Lawers are pretty creepy that way. They
don't selflessly specuate their time like artists do. Lawyers bill by
the minute artists pay with their lives.

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