Alexandra Reill on Sat, 2 Feb 2008 12:24:23 +0100 (CET) |
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<nettime-ann> Art Following the Trend? Artists' Voices. KünstlerInnengespräch mit Ricarda Denzer und PRINZGAU/podgorschek: Depot 07.02.2008 |
Art Following the Trend? Artists? Voices. Kunst im Trend. Artists? Voices. DEPOT 07.02.2008, 19:00 Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Wien KünstlerInnengespräch: Ricarda
Denzer, Künstlerin,
PRINZGAU/podgorschek, KünstlerInnen, A in conversation with/im Gespräch mit Alexandra
Reill, media artist, A
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kanonmedia untersucht mit dem
Projekt Kunst im Trend. Artists' Voices. Rollen und Positionen
des/der zeitgenössischen KünstlerIn in der jeweils eigenen Gesellschaft.
Insbesondere im Lichte strategischer Entwicklungen von Creative Industries
und der damit inzwischen gängig einhergehenden Forcierung des/der
KünstlerIn als kulturelle DienstleisterIn, gerne versehen mit
Erfolgsmeldungen aus dem Kontext gewerblich/industrieller
Produktion, hinterfragen die KünstlerInnen Inhalte und wirtschaftliche
Gegebenheiten solcher kulturpolitischen Strategien und ihre Relevanz für die
experimentell/künstlerische Arbeit.
With the project Art Following
the Trend? Artists' Voices. kanonmedia researches roles and
positions of the contemporary artist in the society she/he feels belonging
to. A special focus is laid on the strategic developments in the context of
Creative Industries and the positioning of the artist as cultural service
provider which in the meantime has become kind of a common perspective in
contemporary discussion in this context, often accompanied by good news on
success stories in relevant industries. The artists reflect the aims and
economic circumstances of such strategies of culture politics and their
relevance for experimental art
Art Following the Trend? Artists' Voices. is supported by the Municipality 1070 Vienna and the Department of Culture of the City of Vienna/Science and Research. ![]() ![]() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our thxs also go to 3-elements for supporting us with sound equipment, to datonet for supporting us with webspace for the video blog, to sonance artistic network for supporting us with webspace for the CMS,
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